Friday, 30 July 2010


La ‘London development agency’ est l’agence mise en place par le maire de Londres pour promouvoir le développement économique de la ville et pour soutenir les entreprises.

Suite à un séminaire auquel j’avais participé, l’agence m’avait interviewée en tant que jeune chef d’entreprise.

Cet entretien a eu lieu après le séminaire en septembre 2009. Vous pouvez retrouver cette interview ci-dessous.

Case study: Business consultant benefits from advice Information presented at a business seminar organised by the London Development Agency (LDA) and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) will help an East London entrepreneur to shape her company.

Branchcorp Founder and Director Line Boisdur-Salbris was among more than 100 business owners who attended a free “Fit for the Future” business seminar organised by PwC) and the LDA in September, 2009.

The seminar provided advice on Human Resource strategies.

Originally from France, Line chose to establish her business in London 10 months ago, against a tough economic backdrop.

“My business is management consultancy.I provide advice, training and coaching to small businesses on a range of business areas,” she said.

“Many of my clients are from France and I also assist people in learning English to work with businesses in English-speaking countries.

“When I chose to start my business, the recession was impacting heavily on businesses across the world, and it also impacted on mine. “Those first few months were quite tough, but things have slowly started to improve.

“I am now at a point where I have a number of clients, mainly other small businesses, and my aim for next year is to be able to expand, and employ a consultant.”

Line said the information provided in the seminar would help her plan for the future.

“I found the HR information provided was very useful. Whilst I currently have no employees, I am looking to expand my business with staff next year and there was a lot of good advice on how to go about it presented at the seminar,”

she said. “This was the first LDA seminar I have been to, and I will be attending more in the future.

“Particularly I would like to attend seminars that cover issues such as employment laws.”

Since the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson announced the Economic Recovery Action Plan in December last year, the LDA, in conjunction with organisations such as KPMG, Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers has organised several free business seminars.

CompeteFor, Business Link, the Confederation of British Industry, London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, manufacturers’ organisation EEF, the Federation of Small Business, the Forum of Private Business and many others have helped to promote them.

More than 700 small business owners from across London have attended the business seminars so far and more are planned over the course of the year.

Branchcorp is a London-based management consultancy firm, with clients both in England and France.

Pour en savoir plus sur la ‘london development agency’ consultez leur site internet :

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