How to reduce costs for your company
Manage stress to reduce the levels of work-related stress reported by british workers.
What is stress?
According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) “stress is the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand placed on them”. “Each case of stress-related ill health leads to an average of 29 working days lost. A total of 13,4 million working days were lost to stress, depression and anxiety in 2001”
Stress can seriously affect productivity.
We can help you to reduce stress level in your company and to reduce sickness absence and staff turnover.
Attend any stress management training courses arranged by us which will help you how to deal with stress.
To understand stress and to receive some advice, please contact us on 07949131123 or at
Line Boisdur-Salbris
mardi 23 mars 2010
Et on évoque encore le stress dans l’entreprise et les mauvaises conditions de travail.
Toutefois il y a moins de deux ans, une précédente série de suicides à la BNP, HSBC et Renault avait déjà soulevé ce débat. A tel point que Xavier Bertrand ministre français du Travail à l’époque avait commandé un rapport pour identifier le stress dans le monde du travail.
Il a reçu ce rapport le 12 mars 2008 fait par Patrick Legeron, médecin psychiatre et Philippe Nass, magistrat honoraire.
Faut-il blâmer France Telecom? Les raisons du suicide d’un salarié sont bien trop nombreuses et personnelles pour le faire.
En l’an 2000, France Telecom a mis en place une commission pour lutter contre le stress.
Toutefois, examinons de près la question du stress au travail. Le Code du travail impose à l’employeur une obligation de sécurité. Celui-ci doit veiller à la santé physique et mentale de ses salariés.
Il faut rappeler le rôle central du médecin du travail, tenu au secret médical, il doit fournir chaque année un rapport d’activité.
S’il n’y a pas de médecin du travail le salarié doit s’adresser à son délégué du personnel Une situation de stress intervient quand il existe une trop forte pression sur le salarié et que cette pression voulue ou non se prolonge dans la durée.
Elle peut être de différente nature par exemple une trop grande surcharge de travail.
Selon une enquête menée en 2007 pour le service droit des femmes (publiée dans le recueil le chiffres clés de l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes 2007), 17% des femmes françaises dénoncent une forte pression psychologique.
Un état de stress provoque de l’absentéisme, un fort turn-over et une perte de productivité pour l’entreprise.
Il faut identifier le niveau de stress de chacun dans l’entreprise afin de mettre en place un plan de prévention.
Il faut des actions spécifiques pour éliminer le stress.
Un employeur doit s’habituer à travailler avec les partenaires sociaux, les professionnels de santé et les consultants pour mettre en visibilité le niveau de stress et l’éliminer dans l’entreprise.
Il faut que chaque audit pour diagnostiquer le stress soit adapté à chaque entreprise.
Après ce diagnostic, la présence de professionnels tels que le médecin psychiatre ou le psychologue est utile pour apprendre à gérer le stress au travail.
According to London development Agency, London has the highest rate of female business ownership 16,5% in 2005 (London annual business survey 2005) and female self-employment 30% (annual population survey).
The gap between male and female entrepreneurship in the Uk is among the largest of comparative developed countries.
Men are more than twice as likely to start a business as women. Women starting up in business will tend to provide a more immediate contribution to the economy, around one in five women come into self-employment from unemployment compared with around one in 15 for men.
Many business advisors from mainstream business support and incubation organisation lack the knowledge of trades within the creative, beauty and health industries, where a large proportion of women owned businesses are concentrated.
Women should ask for help in their effort to progress in their careers.
Build a personal marketing plan to achieve your goals in your professional life.
Women should take the time with a coach to identify their own leadership mode .
We have a coaching session called “Time for success” about personal and professional development.
The speaker at the last workshop was Francine Beleyi, an executive coach.
The gap between male and female entrepreneurship in the Uk is among the largest of comparative developed countries.
Men are more than twice as likely to start a business as women. Women starting up in business will tend to provide a more immediate contribution to the economy, around one in five women come into self-employment from unemployment compared with around one in 15 for men.
Many business advisors from mainstream business support and incubation organisation lack the knowledge of trades within the creative, beauty and health industries, where a large proportion of women owned businesses are concentrated.
Women should ask for help in their effort to progress in their careers.
Build a personal marketing plan to achieve your goals in your professional life.
Women should take the time with a coach to identify their own leadership mode .
We have a coaching session called “Time for success” about personal and professional development.
The speaker at the last workshop was Francine Beleyi, an executive coach.
lundi 8 mars 2010
How can we help you?
A consultant will help you to find the right answer for your company.
A trainer can give you new knowledge and practical skills to help you realise your goals and opportunities.
Now a lot of companies are struggling to put themselves out of recession. Thanks to our training session we can help you to motivate your team and to discover future leaders.
What’s about coaching?
We have a coaching session called “time for success” by an executive coach. What do want to achieve? How to use coaching to grow your business? Be pragmatic and visualise your goal. Build a real success plan.
Want to know more about “time for success” please contact us.
In the springtime keep learning
Celebrate the virtue of lifelong learning. Don’t be afraid to keep learning.
We have a partnership with Kbey and Partners ( a training provider) for business owners who are not speaking English. It is a training session by phone
Do you want more details, please request a brochure.
International Women’s day the 8th of march
About the gender pay gap.
It is important to celebrate this day. We should celebrate and recognize women’s contribution in our society. We should celebrate for example women in business.
Women are fighting for their rights and for example against the “glass ceiling” in the workplace. In UK women earn 22% less than men.
Women represent a large part of consumer in the market. Companies need more women on boards. We can help you build a leadership capacity .
According to Government equalities office, training has a positive effect on women’s relative pay.
How can you help us?
Your feedback is important for us. If you have special needs, please contact us.
Are you interested in workshops about disability?
Our next training session will focus on marketing: How are you selling? Growing your sales? This workshop will take place in London on Wednesday 7 april from 8:15am to 10:30 am, the fees are 55 pounds/pers. Please contact us to receive more details and an application form.
Line Boisdur-Salbris
A consultant will help you to find the right answer for your company.
A trainer can give you new knowledge and practical skills to help you realise your goals and opportunities.
Now a lot of companies are struggling to put themselves out of recession. Thanks to our training session we can help you to motivate your team and to discover future leaders.
What’s about coaching?
We have a coaching session called “time for success” by an executive coach. What do want to achieve? How to use coaching to grow your business? Be pragmatic and visualise your goal. Build a real success plan.
Want to know more about “time for success” please contact us.
In the springtime keep learning
Celebrate the virtue of lifelong learning. Don’t be afraid to keep learning.
We have a partnership with Kbey and Partners ( a training provider) for business owners who are not speaking English. It is a training session by phone
Do you want more details, please request a brochure.
International Women’s day the 8th of march
About the gender pay gap.
It is important to celebrate this day. We should celebrate and recognize women’s contribution in our society. We should celebrate for example women in business.
Women are fighting for their rights and for example against the “glass ceiling” in the workplace. In UK women earn 22% less than men.
Women represent a large part of consumer in the market. Companies need more women on boards. We can help you build a leadership capacity .
According to Government equalities office, training has a positive effect on women’s relative pay.
How can you help us?
Your feedback is important for us. If you have special needs, please contact us.
Are you interested in workshops about disability?
Our next training session will focus on marketing: How are you selling? Growing your sales? This workshop will take place in London on Wednesday 7 april from 8:15am to 10:30 am, the fees are 55 pounds/pers. Please contact us to receive more details and an application form.
Line Boisdur-Salbris
Here is the blog of Branchcorp Uk limited! You will find many articles about our services. You will find some news too and we hope they will be useful for your company. In this blog you will have the dates of our next workshops.
As our services are delivered both in French and English, some articles will be sometimes in French.
Branchcorp is pleased to have the feedback of each client , so contact us if you have any enquiries.
Line Boisdur-Salbris
As our services are delivered both in French and English, some articles will be sometimes in French.
Branchcorp is pleased to have the feedback of each client , so contact us if you have any enquiries.
Line Boisdur-Salbris
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